Case study
MKTG Agency
MKTG Agency is a global marketing firm that integrates sports, culture, and entertainment into their campaigns.
Searching for premium client gifts lead MKTG to Oak Room Wines. MKTG was looking for client gifts that embodied the company’s values of culture and community. The company also wanted premium wine and gift packaging to thank their advertising partners at the iconic MCG and Marvel Stadium for the ALF and Cricket Australia seasons respectively.
Working hand-in-hand, MKTG and Oak Room Wines designed labels and choose wines that had a premium look and taste. The order was successfully completed within MKTG’s timeframe.
MKTG was very pleased with the look and feel of the wine gifts. They were also happy with Oak Room Wine’s custom design solutions. The company’s clients were highly impressed with the wine, leading to a fruitful years-long relationship between MKTG and Oak Room Wines.